KN Care Business

What is KN Care and how does it work?

Based in Bangladesh, KN-Care is an entrepreneur-led health and well-being company. Independent Business Owners work with KN-Care at their own pace, and are enabled by KN-Care to earn extra income. As an IBO you are in business for yourself, but KN-Care ensures you’re never by only for yourself.

10+ Clinets

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About Us

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KN-Care history

Founded in 2017, KN-Care empowers entrepreneurs and helps people live better, healthier lives across more than 65 Districts and territories. Learn about the company’s founders, values, and leadership.


The family heritage continues with Rashid Ahmed Khakee, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors and others

Product quality

KN-Care offers More than 30+ health and well-being products. Read about KN-Care’s commitment to quality from a team of nearly more Innovation and science experts.

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We turn ideas into physical reality

Making Money with KN-Care

KN-Care allows entrepreneurs to make extra income by selling quality products to customers. The KN-Care BO compensation plan provides several ways to earn based on your personal goals. *Bonuses calculated from your Royality business growth.

Becoming a KN-Care BO

BOs are never alone while building their business. Registering as a KN-Care BO includes access to educational resources, digital platforms, and community support. *Incentives are awarded as you reach key milestones in your business.

Freedom Life with KN-Care

Sell quality products that people use every day. Earn in More than ten ways: Retail margin from every KN-Care product you sell. Your salary is calculated from your team’s business growth. Dealarship Business Comitionss with Sales.

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